Saturday, October 3, 2020
8:00 - 9:00 PM EDT USA
Presented by Katharine P. Burnett, Professor, Chinese Art History, Department of Art and Art History, University of California Davis and Founding Director, Global Tea Initiative for the Study of Tea Culture and Science Moderated by Betsy Glans, Former Vice President of Student Exchanges, Institute of International Education, New York
Katharine will reflect on the merit of serendipity and chance, mixed with a large dose of stubbornness and perseverance, in developing her career as an art historian and academic. The role of Helen Lin, Wellesley College (and Middlebury), and the Wellesley motto, Non Ministrari sed Ministrare (“Not to be ministered unto, but to minister”) figure prominently in Katharine's personal account of how she “discovered” China, tea, and (eventually) herself.
Registration for the talk is by email invitation only, and at this time participation is limited to members of our Tiger Community, including Helen Lin's students, colleagues, family, and their invited guests. We welcome friends and colleagues of Tiger Community members to join us -- please have them send us their contact information, so we can send them an invitation. Email:
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