Tiger Event
March 26, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM
Challenges and Opportunities for Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the USA
Presenter / Panelists
Dr. Yong Ping Chen, MD, PhD, LAc Chinese medicine and acupuncture practitioner and Angus Simmons a former U.S. diplomat
Vivian Lin, Executive Associate Dean, LKS Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can provide effective and cost-efficient treatment for a wide variety of medical conditions, but have not reached their therapeutic potential in America. In China, the public has known the value of acupuncture/TCM for thousands of years and have ready access to acupuncture in hospitals where Chinese and western medicine are available and practiced side by side, and medical practitioners select the most appropriate treatment for the maximum benefit of patients.
Registration for the talk is by email invitation only, and at this time participation is limited to members of our Tiger Community, including Helen Lin's students, colleagues, family, and invited guests. We welcome friends and colleagues of Tiger Community members to join us -- please have them send us their contact information, so we can send them an invitation. Email: HTL.Legacy@gmail.com
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