Tiger Event
October 15, 2021 at 9:00:00 PM
Environmental History and its Lessons for China Today
Presenter / Panelists
Peter C. Perdue, Professor Emeritus of History at Yale University.
Wenjiao Cai , PhD candidate in History and East Asian Languages at Harvard University
In the past two decades, environmental historians have uncovered a great deal about how Chinese states and societies have transformed the natural environment. They have shown that the Chinese population from earliest times to the present has drastically changed the interactions of land, water, plants, animals, and humans, in the interests of military security, state consolidation, economic growth, and aesthetic ideals. What are the implications of this long history for China's current environmental policies? Professor Perdue will offer a few thoughts on this question, based on the research conducted by him and others.
Registration for the talk is by email invitation only, and at this time participation is limited to members of our Tiger Community, including Helen Lin's students, colleagues, family, and invited guests. We welcome friends and colleagues of Tiger Community members to join us -- please have them send us their contact information, so we can send them an invitation. Email: HTL.Legacy@gmail.com
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