HTL Tiger TeamFeb 13, 2022New Photos shared by Ellen SoulliereEllen Soulliere shared two photos from an event in 1969 in Boston where Mrs. Lin taught her how to sing Tang dynasty poem, Wang Wei’s...
HTL Tiger TeamNov 27, 2020Mrs. Lin's Favorite "Tiger Tail"The Lin family has shared the cock/mocktail recipe for one of Mrs. Lin standard favorites we are calling "Classic Roar." Among her many...
HTL Tiger TeamOct 7, 2020HTL Memory: 母 老 虎 和 我 的 中 文 名 字 (Mulaohu and My Chinese Name)At his Tiger Talk o
HTL Tiger TeamJul 7, 2020HTL Memory: How Far Can You See?Tamara Kessler, Wellesley Class of 1984, remembers visiting the Great Wall in the pouring rain in the summer of 1982. She shared a photo...
HTL Tiger TeamJul 7, 2020HTL Memory: Neil Kubler connects the dots.Neil Kubler shared "when I was director of the State Department's FSI Chinese Language School in Taiwan from 1981-87, several of the...